Fact 1: Everyone has a phone. Fact 2. We take them everywhere.
With these facts in mind, here are two ways to maximize the brand impression potential that our phones can deliver:
1. Phone Accessories
The global market for phone accessories is growing fast. Experts predict it will surpass $132 billion by 2026. The popularity of phone holders and stands will continue to soar.
2. Wireless Charging
A wireless phone charger is becoming an effective way to promote a brand – it’s not just limited to tech companies and trend-focused organizations that skew younger. Everyone has a phone, and with the new iPhones on board, wireless charging is everywhere. Let’s also consider the wow-factor created when you simply place your phone on a pad and it charges without any cumbersome wires.
Plus, consider the number of brand impressions that are generated as wireless chargers become staples throughout the home. Your brand will be seen multiple times during the day as then user moves room to room.
SHOP: Phone Accessories
For more information, reach out to Ditto today at 878-999-2824 or promomarketing@dittohq.com.